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35 votes

Can I trick an innocent third party into doing something that would be illegal if the third party had mens rea without either of us being guilty?

It depends on the jurisdiction, but generally speaking, this will not permit you to evade criminal responsibility. In Ohio, for instance, the complicity statute treats the conduct you're describing as ...
bdb484's user avatar
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12 votes

Can I trick an innocent third party into doing something that would be illegal if the third party had mens rea without either of us being guilty?

canada General intent is usually enough I believe you are largely conflating motive and intent (see generally R. v. Hibbert, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 973, para. 24; The Queen v. George, [1960] S.C.R. 871, p. ...
Jen's user avatar
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10 votes

Lack of mens rea defence to robbery

canada The question you pose relates to the theft component of robbery. If the taker believed the item was theirs, then the mens rea for theft was not present, and therefore, there was also no robbery....
Jen's user avatar
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9 votes

Mens Rea and Changing Law

In law, there is a distinction between mistake of fact and mistake of law. If the law prohibits X, and you think you're doing Y, that's a mistake of fact. If the law prohibits X, and you know you're ...
Acccumulation's user avatar
6 votes

If a man has sex with a girl he thinks is underage, but the girl is actually not, did he commit a crime?

YOU NEED TO KNOW MORE FACTS The age of consent to sex in the United States, in cases not involving child pornography (which is federally regulated as well as subject to state regulation) is a matter ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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5 votes

Does indecent exposure require intentionality?

maaaaaybe if it was a public nuisance? In germany Public Nuisance under StGB §183a does require either knowledge or intent, so pure knowledge is sufficient for this article. However, the required act ...
Trish's user avatar
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5 votes

If one is mistaken about whether consent is required, is that a defence to sexual assault in Canada or similar jurisdictions?

This judgment (R. v. H.E., 2017 ONSC 4277) was overturned on appeal (2018 ONCA 879): [2] After accepting the complainant’s testimony that both she and Mr. E. believed that, as his wife, she did not ...
Jen's user avatar
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5 votes

How does good faith defense work with a strict liability law?

Could someone better elaborate on the distinction, what is the burden of proof for not having mens rea and what is the burden of proof for good faith, and how do the differ? To give a specific example ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
5 votes

How does good faith defense work with a strict liability law?

Affirmative defenses generally have a subjective or objective factual test for the jury to consider. In this case, the test may be something along the lines of "Given the totality of the ...
IllusiveBrian's user avatar
4 votes

How can mens rea in illegal staring be proved beyond reasonable doubt?

england-and-wales The poster referred to by the question is part of a campaign intended to help deter, detect and punish such wrongdoing. There is no specific offence of "intrusive staring" ...
Lag's user avatar
  • 19.3k
4 votes

How can mens rea in illegal staring be proved beyond reasonable doubt?

But how can Alice's testimony possibly prove beyond reasonable doubt that Bob indeed stared with sexual thoughts in his mind? How can prosecuting these crimes possibly be successful and not ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a jury find guilt based mainly on "mens rea?"

In a criminal case, a jury is required to find that all of the elements of the crime are present beyond a reasonable doubt. Mens rea is one element of most crimes, but is almost never the only one ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
3 votes

Does Mens rea need to be concious?

The mind is not the brain Legally, that is. Scientifically, there is no mind, only brain. Science and law are different domains of human knowledge. Like cattle ranching and modern dance. The rules of ...
Dale M's user avatar
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2 votes

Does indecent exposure require intentionality?

In france the law states that if you expose yourself in places where you can be seen you are committing a felony (article 222-32 of the penal code). It can cost you up to one year of prison and up to ...
WoJ's user avatar
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2 votes

What was the mens rea of being a common scold?

Common law crimes always required mens rea Historically, criminal liability at common law necessarily involved proof of mens rea. In Williamson v Norris (1899), Lord Russell CJ said: The general rule ...
Dale M's user avatar
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2 votes

Mens Rea and Changing Law

You're going to jail 21 U.S. Code § 841: (a) Unlawful acts Except as authorized by this subchapter, it shall be unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally— (1) to manufacture, distribute, or ...
Dale M's user avatar
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2 votes

If a man has sex with a girl he thinks is underage, but the girl is actually not, did he commit a crime?

It would be an attempted crime (in layman's terms), which might be punishable (in law terms). You didn't say which jurisdiction, and there might be very subtle differences. If you want to have sex ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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2 votes

Lack of mens rea defence to robbery

germany The German criminal code defines: §249 (1) Wer mit Gewalt gegen eine Person oder unter Anwendung von Drohungen mit gegenwärtiger Gefahr für Leib oder Leben eine fremde bewegliche Sache einem ...
Tom's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I trick an innocent third party into doing something that would be illegal if the third party had mens rea without either of us being guilty?

Most legislatures have been running for many centuries, so they've had plenty of time to fix any loopholes like the one you're looking for. Whilst your victim may be innocent because they act without ...
Martin Kealey's user avatar
1 vote

How is a corporate person, a person?

The main topic you have spoken of is intention of a corporation. You question the ability of organisations to have intent. A corporation can be fully responsible for negligent behaviour when multiple ...
JazKaz's user avatar
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1 vote

Mens Rea and Changing Law

Legal principle: Ignorantia juris non excusat (ignorance of the law is not an excuse - more details here) Your ignorance of this change in law would not protect you from being charged and convicted. ...
Tom's user avatar
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