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What makes a constitution codified?

The relevant dimension here is probably what F. E. Smith, Lord Birkenhead, referred to as a "controlled" versus an "uncontrolled" constitution. He used this terminology when ...
alexg's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there any legal recourse for a resident who believes their city is committing financial nonfeasance?

Is there any legal precedent for suing a city to amend or terminate an agreement due to fiscal nonfeasance? There is not really any legal precedent for prevailing in such a lawsuit. Obviously, of ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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6 votes

What makes a constitution codified?

Written constitutions are usually "codified" in a sense that they're split into articles/paragraphs/sections which can be directly referred to. Unwritten constitutions do not have such a ...
littleadv's user avatar
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5 votes

What makes a shareholder a "shareholder of record"?

Companies have a registry of their shareholders. Anyone with at least one share registered in their name is a shareholder of record. However, the vast majority of people who consider themselves "...
cpast's user avatar
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What are the legal implications for denying you are Satoshi Nakamoto?

What are the legal ramifications if one was really Satoshi, denied it publicly, but then later proved to really be him? In general, the person's false denial is irrelevant for legal purposes. One ...
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
5 votes

Can the federal government class action an Eminent Domain lawsuit?

No. The Short Answer Eminent domain suits brought by the United States of America must be brought one by one against each property owner (or in the case of property owned by more than one person, ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
5 votes

Is it illegal to masturbate inside public toilet behind closed door out of view from the public?

It is not obvious that is it illegal in Washington state. Everett WA has local ordinances against "lewd conduct" (there are versions of this at the state level and in most municipalities). Having sex ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 217k
4 votes

Why should tech firms get away with publishing child pornography and facilitating child sex grooming rings?

Social media platforms are not publishers under UK law (at present), as such, they are not legally responsible for the content they host providing that there is a mechanism for alerting them to ...
Dale M's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I lien a public building in the U.S. or how to collect on a judgment against a public entity?

Usually, you cannot place a mechanic's lien on public property. But, construction projects on public property generally have to be bonded and the bonding company is usually stated either in the ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
3 votes

Can you get sued for someone else modifying a website you own?

I can't tell you there's nothing to worry about, but this sounds like a scam - possibly an attempt at blackmail. They may be looking to acquire your domain, or subsequent communication might ask for ...
ItWasLikeThatWhenIGotHere's user avatar
3 votes

In Texas, can prosecutors be defense attorneys for free outside the job?

I was told that DAs and other prosecutors are typically prohibited from engaging in volunteer, pro bono work You have not really understood the linked answer and are oversimplifying its analysis. I'...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
3 votes

Can the federal government class action an Eminent Domain lawsuit?

Each suit will be an individual action, if and where needed. One party of a lawsuit may never 'force' the other side into 'a class'. To be 'certified' as a 'class' one side must petition the court and ...
Cos Callis's user avatar
2 votes

What type of lawyer do i need for suing the state?

You shouldn't try to bring suit against the state or DHS. DHS and the state and any other plausible defendants all have sovereign immunity from all liability for the kinds of conduct that you ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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2 votes

Procedure for changing illegal procedures and processes by bureaucratic organizations

So, is it possible, when petitioning for such a court order, that the citizen ask the judge to order the agency to behave in a lawful way and abolish their illegal "regulation" in addition to ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
2 votes

When a company sues the "U.S.", who are they really suing?

According to this Wall Street Journal report, Huawei is suing the "U.S.". What does this really mean? Are they suing the entire U.S. government, a branch of the U.S. government, the ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
2 votes

Is there an eventual legal obligation to return the Elgin Marbles to Greece?

Yes, there could be an obligation without needing retroactivity If Elgin never owned them then neither does the British Museum. It has been a feature of common law that only a person who has good ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 227k
2 votes

Are there any laws/policies regarding the contents of public addressals on unsolved murders?

united-states In regard to what a police official, investigator, prosecutor, or other public official might say about a crime or an investigation of a crime, this is generally not a matter covered by ...
David Siegel's user avatar
2 votes

How to find Statutes at Large pincite for a new law?

It wouldn't be at all uncommon to cite to a new public law with a section number in the public law but not a pinpoint citation. For example: Pub. L. No. 116-315, § 2002, 134 Stat. 4932 (January 5, ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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2 votes

Copyright on public domain images

Yes, copyright applies First, AFAIK, the Celts did not have access to the internet or, if they did, their access speed was horrendously slow. Therefore what you found on the internet was not created ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 227k
2 votes

UK law regarding permits for tables on public land/footpaths outside pubs

They have control of the land The arrangement with the owner of the land is that they hold a licence to use the land and that gives them rights and obligations to manage the land - just like any other ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 227k
2 votes

What makes a constitution codified?

While it is clear to me that in the UK, the constitution is flexible, it is not clear to me why the codification of the UK constitution has anything to do with this. [Very broad and abstract answer] ...
Hobbamok's user avatar
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1 vote

What year did Spain outlaw computer virus spreading?

What year did Spain outlaw computer virus spreading? Articles 197 bis and 197 ter of the Penal Code of Spain were enacted in 2015. See footnote in both articles. But these statutes outlaws only the ...
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
1 vote

Is it legal to publish legal documents of Venice Commission on the own website

Many official documents are protected by copyright. For those that are, making and posting such copies is infringement unless permission to do so has been granted by the relevant official entity.
David Siegel's user avatar
1 vote

Are interrogation tapes of suspects in a closed case publicly available?

This depends on what “publicly available” means. As far as I know, no jurisdiction actively disseminates investigation material, such as recorded interviews with suspects, to the public in the same ...
sjy's user avatar
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Are there any laws/policies regarding the contents of public addressals on unsolved murders?

Generally, when police with-hold information from the public regarding a crime, the reason is to keep information that "only the killer would know" from becoming public knowledge so that ...
hszmv's user avatar
  • 23.2k
1 vote

Is there any legal recourse for a resident who believes their city is committing financial nonfeasance?

Besides the lack of standing, you lack the ability to sue the city as you'd need there to even be a law that allows you to sue your city for such. But cities - like states - can't be sued for handling ...
Trish's user avatar
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When commercial filming is taking place inside or outside, can a member of the public be forced not to record it?

Typically in 2 party consent districts, both parties need to agree to allow the filming to take place, if and only if they are in a private place or place not accessable to the public. The public ...
hszmv's user avatar
  • 23.2k
1 vote

When a company sues the "U.S.", who are they really suing?

It means they are suing some part of the executive branch of the federal government and it would go to federal court. Who is named in the suit, would depend on what action you are suing against, if ...
Putvi's user avatar
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When a company sues the "U.S.", who are they really suing?

The complaint is here for all to see; the defendants are The United States of America, Emily Webster Murphy, Administrator of the General Services Administration, Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor, ...
user6726's user avatar
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Jurisdiction in cross-state-border exposure

Taking your take on the criminality in each jurisdiction at face value. You have probably committed a crime under Queensland law and they can ask NSW to extradite you. Such a request will be refused ...
Dale M's user avatar
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