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39 votes

Why does the U.S. have much higher litigation cost than other countries?

Litigation Costs v. Liability Insurance Cost It is worth noting that what the Institute for Legal Reform, a tort reform lobbying group, is stating, is not that the U.S. has "higher litigation ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
37 votes

What happens when an insurance company cannot pay insurance because of natural circumstances?

It goes bankrupt It happens constantly; 10 per year is the typical number of insurance company bankruptcies in the USA, but it did hit 50 per year in the 1990s. Typically, these bankruptcies are due ...
Dale M's user avatar
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36 votes

Can an insurance company drop you after receiving a bill and refusing to pay?

If you were on your parents policy with the understanding you were a student in college, then yes, they can drop you and refuse to pay. You need to read the terms of the insurance very carefully, ...
Ron Beyer's user avatar
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32 votes

How to mitigate the risk of getting sued by clients (web dev contracting)

Nothing gives you complete protection. You can (and should) have artfully drawn contracts with disclaimers and indemnification, but if the counterparties decline to comply with the contracts you may ...
feetwet's user avatar
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28 votes

A car catches fire in a carpark. The resulting fire spreads destroying the entire carpark. Who is liable?

In General The insurer is never primarily liable for anything. Someone who may or may not have insurance is responsible. A person harmed can't sue somebody else's insurance company (except in the rare ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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25 votes

Can earthquake insurance companies legally ask about "Other Insurance"?

Is there anything legally non-monopolistic about the CEA clause quoted above? Yes. The clause is not monopolistic at all, since it is not prohibiting you to purchase or retain policies from elsewhere....
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
24 votes

Is it legal to file two insurance claims for the same loss?

Assuming that both policies actually cover the loss, this is called “double insurance.” Generally speaking, you can claim against both insurers, but you can only recover the loss once. See my answer ...
sjy's user avatar
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23 votes

How can one be compensated for loss caused negligently by someone who dies in the process?

united-states Dead people can't be charged with crimes. The estates of dead people can be sued for personal injuries that they caused during their life. The executor of the estate defends the lawsuit. ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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20 votes

Is it legal to discriminate on marital status for car insurance/pensions etc.?

The UK is no longer an EU member and is able to depart from EU Directives (although in this case that hasn't happened, yet). The Act here is UK law, the Equality Act 2010 The particular areas to ...
thelawnet's user avatar
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18 votes

Can earthquake insurance companies legally ask about "Other Insurance"?

Insurance is not gambling Insurance covers your loss. Insuring with multiple insurers does not entitle you to make a profit. This has been a fundamental part of general insurance law from the ...
Dale M's user avatar
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15 votes

Mistake on car insurance policy about use of car (commuting/social)

united-kingdom It's likely that your policy documents say you must tell the insurer if any information is incorrect. Immediately tell an insurer about any mistakes in the policy. In such circumstances ...
Lag's user avatar
  • 19.3k
14 votes

If involved in an accident, while uninsured, for which the other driver is insured, can the other insurance company turn them in?

Threatening to report the uninsured driver to avoid payment would be blackmail and illegal / criminal. As a result, they are not going to do this. Reporting the uninsured driver on the other hand is ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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13 votes

Home ownership burden of insurance in Scotland

You actually have a statutory duty to have insurance when you own one of the flats in a tenement. It's possible that the title condition goes beyond this requirement in some way, but there is still a ...
alexg's user avatar
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11 votes

How to mitigate the risk of getting sued by clients (web dev contracting)

You can never prevent someone suing you Your contract with your client is about risk allocation - who assumes the risk and who pays for the risk. In general, the least cost solution for everybody ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 227k
11 votes

United States: Can an insurance company sell a policy that pays fines and costs incurred by the policyholder knowingly breaking the law?

Insurance is regulated at the state rather than the federal level in the United States, and the terms of individual insurance contracts also matter. Most states prohibit insurance of intentional ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
11 votes

I am being threatened by a company to pay a disputed liability NOW or face additional Solicitor costs

Issues in the question In Australia, any civil claim below $10,000 is considered a small claim This depends on the State or Territory involved. In three the limit is $25,000, not $10,000. In only ...
David Siegel's user avatar
11 votes

What happens if an insurance company does not mention a critical clause of a policy during a telephone purchase?

In any sane jurisdiction, the clause would hold. By and large, the legal fiction is that one has read and agreed to execute the entirety of the contracts they signed. If it was otherwise, no contract ...
KFK's user avatar
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11 votes

Has, or could, a state or city become a group insurer under federal law?

It is legal. Vermont tried it. They ended up abandoning the project because it would have required a tremendous tax increase.
Justin Cave's user avatar
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10 votes

Can an insurance company drop you after receiving a bill and refusing to pay?

You contracted for the services so the debt is yours. Even if the insurance company were legally obligated to pay, that does not shift the obligation from you to the insurance company. The dentist ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 217k
10 votes

Is it legal to discriminate on marital status for car insurance/pensions etc.?

I assume [the ECJ ruling] is based on discrimination law, of which gender is only one of a list of protected characteristics. This is incorrect. The ECJ does not interpret or enforce UK national law, ...
Sneftel's user avatar
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9 votes

Insurance - Forced to call for cancellation

Such a right would only exist if the legislature has created it by some act. Insurance is excluded under the class of covered contracts under The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations ...
user6726's user avatar
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9 votes

Public liability in the UK during building works on house

No one is required to have Public Liability Insurance If a contractor (or householder) wants PL insurance they are free to take it out but there is no legal requirement to do so. There may be ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 227k
9 votes

What happens if an insurance company does not mention a critical clause of a policy during a telephone purchase?

Aside from what others have mentioned, there are a few more barriers to you making a successful claim due to not having been able to read the contract yet. First is what is reasonable and customary in ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
7 votes

What if persons involved in the accident with the same Insurance company?

You have been told that the other person's insurance may not be valid. Why it may not doesn't really matter, perhaps the other person didn't pay premiums or lied on an application. So the situation is ...
David Siegel's user avatar
7 votes

Life insurance and taxes: Does a sole beneficiary need to tell other heirs? (Utah)

NO In most cases there is no tax owed by the beneficiary and it has, in any case, nothing to do with the estate.
George White's user avatar
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7 votes

broker cancelled life insurance policy without authorization

We are tying to determine what an acceptable compensation would be It mostly depends on whether the acts and representations by the broker caused you to pay in excess and/or have made it more ...
Iñaki Viggers's user avatar
7 votes

Has, or could, a state or city become a group insurer under federal law?

Analogous programs This is essentially how the the insurance policies offered on Obamacare (a.k.a. the Affordable Care Act) insurance exchanges for people seeking non-employer plans work. In Colorado, ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k
7 votes

How can one be compensated for loss caused negligently by someone who dies in the process?

australia The lifetime care needs of anyone injured in a motor vehicle accident are covered by the state or territory compulsory third-party personal injury policy, commonly called a green slip, ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 227k
6 votes

Is there a reason not to use liability insurance?

She damaged you - your beef is with her. If she has insurance, the choice of is she wants to claim or not is up to her. She is not obliged to make a claim and probably not obliged to tell her insurer ...
Dale M's user avatar
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6 votes

What would be the fastest way to sue someone in a traffic accident? Post Accident Legal Strategies

Short answer The general approach and attitude that you propose is a horrible one that would bring an unfavorable result. It would add many months or years to the time when the case would mostly ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 240k

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