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4 votes

Using phonebooks or public data for commercial purposes, GDPR

What’s the legal basis for processing the data? Basically all GDPR issues need to start with this. Why are you doing this? Is that a legitimate use? Whatever decisions on that the phone book company ...
Dale M's user avatar
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3 votes

Using phonebooks or public data for commercial purposes, GDPR

In many countries affected by the GDPR, there are national laws against cold calling (e.g. germany, §7 UWG with fines as high as €300,000). But since you asked about the GDPR, the consent by the ...
o.m.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Using phonebooks or public data for commercial purposes, GDPR

united-states In the U.S., the GDPR does not apply, and in the context of the domestic telephone call, it is hard to see how it could even unintentionally. There is a specific laws regarding junk ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 239k

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